DH 180 // day 21

Mackenzie Brooks

March 27, 2018

Outreach + Future

Ethics + Archiving the Web Conference


Rewriting History

Changing the Archived Web from the Present


Weaponized Web Archives

Provenance Laundering of Short Order Evidence


For historians, and researchers in many other humanities disciplines, web archives remain largely an unknown, and certainly underused, primary source (Brügger 238).

Outreach pt 1

Individually, brainstorm the potential audience of your web archive. How would you reach that audience? Who are the unintended users? What are other potential scenarios of use? What are the barriers to use?

Outreach pt 2

Share with your group. Can you suggest other audiences or outreach methods to your classmates?

Activity // Future

In your group, discuss the following:

  • What are the major conclusions from your chapter?
  • What is the final tone?
  • What are the authors hopeful about? Discouraged? Concerned?

For Thursday

  • Email me your technical questions by Thursday morning
  • Write metadata for 5 seeds + your collection