DH 180 // day five

Mackenzie Brooks

January 23, 2018


What did you learn from writing your paper?

discussion signup


Personal archive > evidence vs. memory


back to the central competing dichotomy in mythologies of the archival profession... the evidence, on the one hand, versus our interpretive or mediating role, on the other, as manifested in all of the many archival processes, the memory-making.


  • Evidence: pre-modern archiving—the custodian-archivist guards the juridical legacy
  • Memory: modern archiving—the historian-archivist selects the archive (appraisal, description)
  • Identity: postmodern archiving—the mediator-archivist shapes the societal archive
  • Community: participatory archiving—the activist-archivist mentors collaborative evidence- and memory-making


  1. By counting off, each student is assigned a paradigm to research.
  2. Look over the section, then discuss with your group:
    • What time period does this cover?
    • What theories are mentioned?
    • What are the key concepts?
    • What questions do you have?

activity, cont.

  1. Rearrange so each group has one person representing each paradigm.
  2. Give a brief summary of your paradigm. What is the narrative?
  3. Report back to the class.


  • Respect des fonds =
    • provenance
    • original order

SAA Statement of Principles



  • Appraisal
  • Acquisition
  • Processing
  • Description/Arrangement
  • Preservation
  • Access
  • Outreach